Taryn and Kris Engagement Shoot at Kurnell, NSW / by Kylie Greffenius

Every time I see a great romance playing out before me in the form of my wedding clients, I am reminded of my favourite quote from the movie ‘The Firm’.  The words have always resonated with me as a truth for many of us who knew one day we would find our greatest love.  The character played by Jeanne Tripplehorn looks into Tom Cruise’s eyes and tells him “I have loved you all my life. Even before we met. Part of it wasn't even you. It was just a promise of you…”


Taryn and Kris are the epitome of a great romance.  Close, connected, supportive and in sync with each other on a higher level.  They make each other laugh, make each other feel safe in the world.  Taryn is a strong beautiful woman with great leadership skills who is carving her own path. Kris is a rock, grounded, funny and positive.  They both extract every drop of living from each day.  As individuals they are amazing and together they are family.


I love to meet my couples for a shoot before their wedding to celebrate their engagement.  It gives me the chance to get to know them before the excitement of their wedding day.  We talk and laugh, the shoot is relaxed and we usually go somewhere that normally you couldn’t access with a hundred wedding guests.


For Taryn and Kris’s engagement shoot we went to the soaring cliffs at Kurnell.  A location that has become their ‘happy place’ and it’s easy to see why.  The area is vast, dramatic and stunning.  Parts of it untouched as it would have been for centuries.  The two of them were alone in a place of raw natural beauty.  Just like Adam and Eve.  


I believe Taryn and Kris were the promise of a great love, long before they ever met.